Thank you for your interest in the history of Forest City Baptist Church. Since 1994, our church has endeavoured to grow and share the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ here in London and around the world.
February 9 – First meeting was held at Rev. Fred C. Howard’s home.
March 20 – The first Sunday evening meeting was held at Wethered Street. The name “Faith Fellowship” was accepted by the group for banking purposes.
May 8 – The first Sunday morning service was held at Wethered Street.
June 19 – A 3-Year lease was signed for the property at 2215 Trafalgar Street, commencing on September 1, 1994.
August 7 – The first special day offering of $7,100.00 was taken with the A.M. attendance being 19 and the P.M. attendance 22.
August 21 – The church voted in 22 charter members. Rev. Fred Howard called as pastor of FCBC along with secretary-treasurer (Jan Collins); pianist (Alissa Smith); ushers (Everett Carson/Jeremy Smith); tellers (Jan Collins/Sharron Smith); communion steward (Betty Collins); helpers for the pastor (Jim Smith/Charlie Kipp). The church name “Forest City Baptist Church” was voted.
August 31 – The first Wednesday prayer meeting at 2215 Trafalgar Street.
September 4 – The first Sunday morning service was held in the new building at Trafalgar Street. It was held in the upper level as work was being done in the future auditorium. There was 32 present in the morning service and 36 in the evening service.
October 2 – The first Sunday service was held in the newly renovated auditorium. 35 were present in the morning service and 54 in the evening service.
December 4 – Dedication Sunday for Forest City Baptist Church. 08:00 AM Prayer meeting / 10:00 AM Regular service / 2:30 PM Dedication service with 94 present / 6:30 PM Regular service / 2nd special offering day.
December 18 – The first Communion Service was held.
December 25 – The first Christmas service and first Candlelight service was held.
May 1 – Pastor Howard was presented with an honorary Doctor of Ministry in Bible from Landmark Baptist College in Haines City, Florida. As of this day, he is formally known as “Dr. Frederick Charles Howard”.
May 24 – The church is registered with Revenue Canada as a charitable organization.
November 8 – A Hammond organ was purchased for church services.
January 7 – The first baptismal service was held at Summerside Baptist Church. There were 8 candidates.
March 19 – An 11-Passenger van was purchased for the church.
September 24 – An offer to purchase 2215 Trafalgar was submitted. The offer was rejected and the church continued to look for an alternative building.
April 1 – An offer was made to purchase the Jehovah’s Witness building at 1832 Hamilton Road. The building was already vacated and in “move-in” condition.
June 29 – FCBC placed a down-payment of $112,531.89 with the remaining monthly financing charges being $50.00 less than the previous lease.
April 28 – The church’s statement of faith and church covenant was established.
November 14 – Members accepted Rev. Gordon J. LeGrow as the new pastor of Forest City Baptist Church with 100% acceptance.
January 1 – Pastor LeGrow assumed the pastoral position as Dr. Howard had now retired at age 83.
Pastor Mark J. Bohman began to transition into the role of senior pastor as Pastor LeGrow was suffering from terminal cancer.
Pastor Gordon LeGrow passed away and was officially replaced by Pastor Bohman.
March 14 – Pastor Bohman announced that he has felt led by the Lord to resign his position as senior pastor of Forest City Baptist Church.
August 8 – Rev. Michael C. MacDonald assumed the role of pastor on an interim basis.
April 3 – Pastor Michael C. MacDonald officially began ministering as the permanent senior pastor of Forest City Baptist Church.
April 7 – Pastor Joe Scott was appointed as the assistant pastor of Forest City Baptist Church.
May 5 – Sunday school for all ages began